Monday 4 November 2013

Monday Blue - Ways to stay positive and motivated

L-R: Treasure yourself by Miranda Kerr, Words of Wisdom, Don't sweat the small stuff (For Women) by Kristine Carlson and Daily Joy.

November is here and that means it's nearly the end of the year. It just makes me feel a little depressed. Nearly a year has gone by after I finished my exams and I feel like I'm not getting anywhere in life. Even though I only graduated a few months ago, it still upsetting to feel stuck. 

I see all my high school classmates are either engaged, already married or are already parents. A few have their own house and a good stable job. I know you shouldn't compare but it's just hard sometimes. I was hoping to get a job in my field by now. I've been getting rejection mails from the jobs I've applied and it can feel like a huge kick in the gut. I not going to give up but being rejected so many times have slowed down my process of looking. 

Anyway, I'm not only writing this post just to rant but I want to share with you lovely readers ways I try to be positive and motivated in life. Maybe these tips can help you too when you're feeling down.

  • When you are feeling down and you feel like your life sucks, just think about the things you are grateful for or are fortunate. You have a roof over your head, you have food to eat and if you are reading this then you have some sort of electrical device to get access (and have the internet). 
  • Have a journal where you write down the highlight(s) of your day. Something that made your day. It can be as little as a compliment you receive by someone or you had the best that day. I don't do this but I should. I watch April's vlog on youtube (  where her and her husband, Justin share their highlights at the end of their day.
  • I love reading quotes that have great meanings. I got two quote books I bought from the bookstore (seen in above photo; Words of wisdom and Daily Joy) and I put them on my bedside table. When I can't sleep and the internet doesn't offer much, I would just flip through the pages and read them. They are quick and easy to read and put a smile on my face. Hence I go to bed feeling happy. You don't have to go and buy those books, but you can always search them online. A few of my friends write down a few of their favourite quotes and stick it around their room. They can give you a boost of motivation. 
  • Beside from reading quotes I also love reading inspiration/self-help books. It sounds pathetic I know (maybe everything I wrote so far sounds pathetic) but they just give me motivations. They will put you in the right mind frame, making you feel more positive. Personally I enjoy Treasure yourself by Miranda Kerr and also, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne to name a few. 
  • Take a nice bath to relax and destress, drink a nice warm coffee or tea, get a massage or do all of the if you really wanted to. 
  • Write down your goals and  the dates when you are hoping to achieve them by. Write down ideas that can help you further in achieving these goals. Get help from friends and family where you can. 
I hope these advice/tips will help you. Sometimes when you think about your future it can be extremely overwhelming. You may feel your life is chaotic so just break it down to small steps.

Even though I feel like I'm not getting nowhere, I have met so many amazing people at my current job. Some of them bring my true personality out (I used to be a bit quite). It may be a detour in my life but I'm so grateful to meet them. 

If you have any tips or advice to stay motivated and positive then please post a comment. I would love to read them. Hope you are having a great start to your week. xX

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